Thursday, May 6, 2010

Two Minutes to Midnight

Ignoring the reference to Iron Maiden (which is awesome! :P), I'm definitely not looking forward at all to the last two episodes. Since when to season finales have to end on a scary, tension high mark? I want to know who came up with that idea and yell at them. Yes, I guess it does make you want to watch the season premier in the fall, but for those of us who are dedicated Supernatural fan's it almost throws us into a tension induced heart attack. The questions that go through your head before and after the episode is enough to make Jung and Freud have a field day...

Enough psycho babble. This week's intense episode includes wrapping up Bobby's "talk" with Crowley, Crowley giving Death's locale away, and Sammy and Dean getting themselves in big major issues with a deadly virus thanks to Pestilence... Which of course Cas helps out with. We don't want the boys to die from a nasty virus now do we? No. But, according to the summary to IMDB... Dean and Death have a pow wow to discuss Lucifer and there is a major deal that goes down that could be VERY bad for De'...

Now we don't want Dean to die now do we? No.
Tensions are high... and let's hope that our boys make it out well. :S

Here's the clip, i'm sure you've all seen it... (the song is amazing... i need to know what it's called.) Also, you wanna see a funny sneak peek of tonight, here's the link...

Tonight's Sneak Peek Video (Warning: If you don't want to see any scenes Do Not Click)

Oh, and to give Iron Maiden credit... Cus they are awesome.

Video: 2 Minutes to Midnight - Iron Maiden