Friday, September 24, 2010

Reunited, And It Feels Soo Good....


With only a few more hours before the season 6 premiere, and after 8 hours of TNT's marathon, how could I not be excited?! I'm definitely lookin' forward to seeing the boys again. No spoilers from me, if you've already looked into it, you know what's expected. But come on, we all know about the fact Dean has had the apple pie life... Well, who knows how happy-go-lucky-apple-pie it has really been but...

Anyway, the season six season opener called "Exile on Main Street" Sammy's released from Hell, and goes back to find Dean and get him back to hunting, with a special appearance from Grandpa Winchester. It's definitely gonna be a good one, but then again, when is it not a good one?

We'll be back after the show with a few little extra comments, I'm sure of it. :) Until then, enjoy seein' our boys again. And we look forward to season six.

(By the way, i think Lisa is and will always be amazing. ;) )

You wanna know a little more in depth, what i've heard on the grapevine... Look under the cut for the talk on the spoilerverse. (yeah, I've just coined that term. Bitches.) 

If you want to know...

Dean has had a construction job for a few years, most everyone but Dean knows that Sam is back from Hell, which from what i've heard was the most awful experience ever, being in the "slums" stuck in the cage in a uber power struggle... Sam gets out, and is definitely different, ruthless and pretty much "shoot first, ask questions later..." Dean has grown into a papa bear kinda character, taking care of Ben, so he's way more fatherly... that's all i really will leave you with for now. lol.

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